Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Okay Here I am! I just bought myself a new laptop, so I promise, I'm gonna be on top of the bloging, I swear! Well its not good to swear, so i cross my heart :)0

Well I can now say I officially did my first big show! The San Francisco Gift Show! It was awesome! My belts, scarfs & accessories are officially in about a dozen brick & mortar retail stores!! I'm very excited.

It was a great experience being on the other side. Having had a retail store I can relate more to vendors and why they did the things they did when it came to discounts, minimum purchases, wholesale pricing etc... Well I'm excited for the next one which is in January in LA!! But until then I'm getting ready for the holiday season and the many shows I'll be doing. I'll be placing them in my "Events Calendar" in the next week when the dates are hammered down. :)