Thursday, October 8, 2009

I LOVE my NEW VINTAGE scarfs!!!

Seriously, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am so proud of these. I had a vision and started making them and they are by far the coolest things I've ever made! These scarfs can be worn year round. I love scarfs and living in California doesn't give us the coldest winters so wearing thick scarfs just isn't my thing. I wanted to create scarfs that can be worn with anything. I would love you're input or any creative tips!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


When does it all slow down. Then again the thought of that freaks me out! Its all so mental. Its how one handles and carries the stress. I'm reading "A Simple Prayer" right now and so far I love it. Its so simple. I've always prayed but this book guides you to do it in such a way that it has you grasp a whole new relationship to god and who is to me. My friend. None of this is anything new, but I feel like I'm hearing it all for the very first time and its good! Anyhow those are my thoughts right now. And I'm trying to not beat myself up for my lack of blogging. Life moves forward, you keep going, you keep breathing. With that said here is a picture of my growing family. This is why I'm forever grateful!