Monday, June 29, 2009


Ok, so I'm vowing to myself right now that I will be consistant with this blog. I have another blog with my other Business:

But for some reason I just wasn't inspired to chat about myself any I didn't consider myself a "scrapbooker." I am an Artist! I can say it out loud and feel so good and freed up about it! So I'm so excited to start "blogging." That sounds so funny to me, "blogging." It sounds, well you know, a little nasty even, I'm sitting in front of my labtop feeling embarrassed for "Blogging." lololololololololo!!! Okay moving on....

So just to let you guys all know I went to CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) this past February and kid you not saw a plain belt buckle and got inspired. I have always wanted to create my own line of accessories and so now I'm doing it. I'm super busy with my two girls. Lulu, almost 3yrs going on 30 and Gracie 14 months old who started to walk at 10 months so she is all over the place- yikes! Well my HOT husband, Christiaan, is extremly supportive and loves to be with the girls when he's not busy himself so changing diapers and playing tea is not a problem for him; hence he's pretty the perfect husband :) I am blessed and I don't take it for granted.

Anyhow it was at CHA that I saw what was possible for me and NOW was the time for me to act on it before I get preggers again. We want 2 more babies.... I know Crazy, right!

Well I am a planner so I have the next year planned out for myself and if I get any curve balls, I gotta just take my own advice and Roll wid it! Well I gotta write more later, Lulu needs a serious bath and its already way past her bedtime. :)

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